And now, for the last time before next week's summary, the superheroes shall comment on the candidates, this time on their answers to the questions (which if you can read here if you missed them), and give a point for Obama, Romney or Undecided. Once again, some of these statements are direct or expanded quotes. Try to figure out which ones in the comments!
"All men by nature seek knowledge. It's how that knowledge is used that's important, and it looks like Obama is the only one who desires to actually use it to improve America."
Point for: Obama
"We can't advance with out a commitment to science. I couldn't have done what I did without it. Romney doesn't seem care all that much for it, so I can't say I care all that much for him."
Point for: Obama
"The fact that Obama can bring up actual numbers and policies when talking about food safety is great, while Romney's generalized "we'll work closer with the industry to make America's food system the world's best" just comes off as hot air. It didn't sound at all like Romney knew that 1 in 4 Americans were getting sick from food born illnesses."
Point for: Obama
"When asked about how to improve education in America, Obama talks about how he's invested in programs to create more educated and better skilled teachers, while Romney attacks teacher's unions, says parents need more choice in schools, and that the good should be rewarded, but nothing about improving what's broken, which makes it clear what's really broken with the system."
Point for: Obama
"Just because you don't know about something doesn't mean it doesn't affect you, and trying to ignore it will only make it worse. You gotta understand the problem and how to fight it, or you won't beat. And seeing how Romney wants to keep trying to ignore climate change, I don't think he has a chance at beating it."
Point for: Obama
"Romney keeps saying he wants to make things easier for businesses or delegating things to the states, like he doesn't want to understand how or why these things works."
Point for: Obama
"If Romney thinks Net Neutrality is designed to prevent freedom on the internet, he obviously has no idea what Net Neutrality does and what it's designed to prevent."
Point for: Obama"Don't people know that science is how we get superheroes? Except for the ones that become supervillians. Okay, maybe I don't understand this one."
Point for: Undecided
"Romney's attempt to criticize Obama for the diversity of his federal technology investments is odd. Didn't he learn not to put all his eggs in one basket through all his business experience?"
Point for: Obama
"Knowledge is important to lead and plan. Given that Romney keeps switching his position, I don't think he has enough of it to do either."
Point for: Obama
Mr. Incredible
"Romney seems to think the speed at which natural resources can be extracted is more important than the safety and effect the extraction has, in addition to not understanding that a limited resource is finite, and that a renewable resource is, well, renewable."
Point for: Obama
"A proper understanding of how everything works is important, and shouldn't be dismayed in favor of something that people who believed the Sun revolved around the Earth wrote, as Romney seems to want."
"Romney seems to think the speed at which natural resources can be extracted is more important than the safety and effect the extraction has, in addition to not understanding that a limited resource is finite, and that a renewable resource is, well, renewable."
Point for: Obama
"A proper understanding of how everything works is important, and shouldn't be dismayed in favor of something that people who believed the Sun revolved around the Earth wrote, as Romney seems to want."
Point for: Obama
"If Romney thinks that green energy is run by "political cronies", I don't think he's met any one in the oil business."
"If Romney thinks that green energy is run by "political cronies", I don't think he's met any one in the oil business."
Point for: Obama
"Romney says that water and air laws haven't been modernized in twenty years and how they're too expensive for businesses, while Obama brings up all the reforms and investments he's done lately to air and water programs. That doesn't make this choice hard."
"Romney's belief that there is a "lack of scientific consensus" on global warming shows just how uninformed he is and that he thinks that policy should not be dictated by evidence of the reality shows just how little he cares about science and the reality of the situation. And then to turn around and say how important sound science is to the process and that he'll avoid the manipulation of science for political gain when he keeps doing just that A SENTENCE LATER at the same time as accusing Obama of doing the same thing, it's just infuriating watch Romney be so hypocritical and think he can get away with it.""Romney says that water and air laws haven't been modernized in twenty years and how they're too expensive for businesses, while Obama brings up all the reforms and investments he's done lately to air and water programs. That doesn't make this choice hard."
Point for: Obama
The Savage Dragon
"Living in Chicago, I've seen first hand the effects of Obama's Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and the improve its been for the area."
Point for: Obama
"Romney's belief that what ever he does is innovative, and the fact that he changes stance within the same paragraph in his answers, convinces me that Romney is saying whatever he thinks sounds good."
Point for: Obama
"Romney, you don't invest more in space by re-organizing NASA, you invest in space by investing in NASA. It's literally rocket science Romney, and that's not cheap."
Point for: Obama.
"Romney talks about making more vaccinations. Obama talks about making vaccinations more affordable. Doesn't take much to figure out which plan will result in less sick people."
Point for: Obama
"Scientists have the most extraordinary inventive minds, and we are lucky to be able to call on them. The world is changing, things that used to be science fiction are now science fact, and it's all thanks to them. Romney doesn't seem all that interested in listen to them, and for that he will miss so many wonders,"
Point for: Obama
Issue | Obama/Biden | Undecided | Romney/Ryan |
And so Obama takes the last round with his clear message and actual numbers.
At any rate, do any of you agree with the superheroes' comments? If you think any of the heroes have been misrepresented, let me know in the comments!
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