Friday, October 12, 2012

Superheroes and Immigration

And now, the superheroes shall comment on the candidates' Immigration platforms, and give a point for Obama, Romney or Undecided. Once again, some of these statements are direct or expanded quotes. Try to figure out which ones in the comments!

"Romney's plan to not help someone in need because of where they're from is barbaric. We keep claiming we're the greatest country in the world, helping those in need seems the least we can do. Some might say they're not worth it, but I say everyone's worth it."
Point for: Obama

"Every person should have the opportunity to become an American citizen. We are a land of freedom and liberty, and we shouldn't be seeking to take those rights from anyone, even those that haven't entered the country legally, despite what Romney wants."
Point for: Obama
"I know this isn't the simplest of issues, but acting like gun totting idiots looking to pick a fight or supporting laws that enable people to do that really doesn't help the situation. Romney's looking to do just that, and I can't support that."
Point for: Obama

"Romney's going to protect legal immigrants by pursuing illegal immigrants? How exactly is that does that work?  And what illegal immigrants did he have to deal with in Massachusetts? Did he have a bunch of Canadians he had to deal with?" 
Point for: Obama
"Yeah, that's right, built a high tech fence for the border. Because the people trying to get in illegally aren't going to be desperate enough to try to get past that like they were before."
Point for: Obama

"As the daughter of immigrants, I'm not about to let some one persecute them and deny they opportunities just because of a few bad apples."
Point for: Obama

Spider-Girl   "Listening to Romney, the only good immigrants are business minded people, or food picking people." 
Point for: Obama

"It's not the immigrants we should be going after, it's the people ringing the smuggling rings. Some of those people do really dangerous things like through people out of airplanes! Since Obama wants to focus on them, I'm focusing on Obama."
Point for: Obama

"This country has long held the words "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" as significant to our culture. Denying it now like Mr Romney wants would be denying what America was built on."
Point for: Obama

"You can't go discriminating against people just because of where they're from. That's how wars get started. You hafta show everyone with respect, like Obama wants to."
Point for: Obama

Mr. Incredible
"I don't know much about immigration, but I can't let someone push other people around just because someone else said they had the power to do it, at that's exactly what these border patrol things Romney wants look like to me." 
Point for: Obama

"Mormon are to obey, honor and sustain good laws. Laws that treat citizens like criminals like the ones Romney advocates are not good laws." 
Point for: Obama

"Romney wanting to develop a mandatory national employment verification system sounds like a mandatory national drug test. Given how many will come back with nothing illegal, this just sounds like an opportunity to violate personnel space."
Point for: Obama

"Romney, if you're still waiting for Obama's plan on immigration, it's because you haven't gone looking for it."
Point for: Obama

Linda Park-West
"Romney, immigration isn't just about the economy. It's also about the people. If you can't understand that, I don't think you can help."
Point for: Obama

The Savage Dragon "Romney, what you may think of as Obama going after immigrate selectively is what we call going after the big fish. No point in going after minnows when you've got rampaging sharks to take care of." 
Point for: Obama

"Obama's focus on dangerous immigrants over people like students, veterans and seniors is much better than Romney's broad strokes."
Point for: Obama

"This country was founded by immigrants, so to persecute immigrants unjustly regardless of legality like they tried to do in Arizona is just wrong, and the fact that Romney wants to not only bring that back but let other states implement it as well, well that just wrong."
Point for: Obama

"If Romney wants to give young illegal immigrants the chance to become citizens by joining the military, why not include those pursuing higher education like Obama? You just said how people with higher education where good for business, so why leave them out?" 
Point for: Obama

"Everyday I hear all the languages of the world. And no matter language they speak, I help where I can, because even if they're from different lands doesn't mean they have different rights. Romney's desire to give priority to some over others isn't by any means fair."
Point for: Obama


Issue Obama/Biden Undecided Romney/Ryan
Energy & Environment
Equal Rights and Women's Health
Taxes and Budgets
National Security

And Obama sweeps that round. I bet everyone felt pressured by Superman and his history, even if Supes didn't say anything. Do any of you agree with the superheroes' comments? If you think any of the heroes have been misrepresented, let me know in the comments!

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