Friday, August 31, 2012

Superheroes, Energy and the Environment

And now, the superheroes shall comment on the candidates' energy and environmental plans, and give a point for Obama, Romney or Undecided. Like last time, which I forgot to mention, some of these statements are direct or slightly altered quotes. Try to figure out which ones in the comments!

"In good energy production as in good driving, one must never sacrifice safety for speed."
Point for: Obama

"I've been fighting to keep America in one piece. We don't need pollution dissolving it from the inside out."
Point for: Obama

"When your investing yourself in new technologies, it will take time to hammer out all the kinks. You have to be patience and keep trying, otherwise you'll never see any payoff. I don't think Romney gets that."
Point for: Obama

"Romney can't be allowed to revive unsafe drilling. Drilling isn't good for the environment, no matter how safe they try to make it they're still handling toxic chemicals. Despite what they might tell you, they can't just reach into the earth and pull these things out."
Point for: Obama

"I like Obama's All-of-the-Above plan. You gotta be prepared to use everything and do everything you can when you're faced with monstrous problems."
Point for: Obama

"There are always oil companies trying to cut as many corners as possible. BP is the norm, not the exception, and letting these companies go back to doing as they wanted will only result in more oil spills and countless damage."
Point for: Obama

"I'm the one "inheriting" the environment. You think I'm just going to let Romney's people muck up the place and leave me to live in it, let alone clean it up?"
Point for: Obama

"As a being of living plastic, I can tell you plastic can last a really long time, over 3000 years if you're lucky like me! So I have to say we've got to clean up stuff like that or it will just pile up all over the place!"
Point for: Obama

"Clean air is absolutely wonderful, isn't it? It sounds like President Obama want to help make as much of it as possible."
Point for: Obama

"You just can't go dumping things anywhere you please. There are people and animals living everywhere, so you're going to be dumping things in somebody's living space, even if it ain't your own."
Point for: Obama
Mr. Incredible
"We can't just leave a trail of destruction behind us. We have to set a good example for the kids and keep moving technology forward."
Point for: Obama

"We must be have a good stewardship of the Earth. If removing some resources from the land causes irreputable damages, I want no part of it."
Point for: Obama

"Killing people with a slow death caused by pollution is still killing people. Cleaning things up is the only way to stop this, not letting them create more unfettered pollution."
Point for: Obama

"Which one of you is going to lower my gas bill?"
Point for: Undecided

Linda Park-West
"Nothing Romney's suggesting will accomplish what he says it will."
Point for: Obama

The Savage Dragon
"Green jokes aside, having fought nuclear powered villains, I can safely say you have to treat that stuff very carefully. Trying "alternate" approaches to nuclear energy reactor designs just sounds dangerous to me."
Point for: Obama

"As someone who enjoys her wilderness, I don't want to see it be destroyed for things that we could get a safer way."
Point for: Obama

"I'm literally green energy. If I could hook myself up to the grid and help, I would."
Point for: Obama.

"You ever heard of the Broken Window Theory? It's reasons like that that we need to keep things clean, not let companies do things with less concern for the environment."
Point for: Obama

"As someone with super smell who flies all over the world, I can tell you first hand that reducing carbon emissions really makes a difference, not just for me, but for the people that live there. I see through people all the time looking for villainous devices, I can tell how healthy the general population of a given area is."
Point for: Obama


Issue Obama/Biden Undecided Romney/Ryan
Energy & Environment

And again it looks like most of the heroes are in favor of Obama's plan. Do you agree with that? If you think any of the heroes have been misrepresented, let me know in the comments!
So join us next Monday, when I try to answer the question, are Superheroes Liberal?


  1. WHAT A FAIL BLOG!!! Batman would no way in hell vote for Obama... Isn't he suppose to be a millionaire like Obama and Romney? Why would he want his wealth distributed to a lot of lazy people that turn to crime? None of these so call "point for Obama" quotes are valid arguments, they are just words from a great liar. Romney has not destroyed the U.S. economy like Obama's 16 trillion that he DID NOT INHERIT!!! His 3 stimulus created it along with Obamacare. Plus, our troops are still not home from Iraq like he promised in 2011!!! Therefore, the war in Iraq is not completely over, yet MSNBC and Univision (Spanish) "news" keep lying about everything like always. My brother is a U.S. military Sergeant. You can't blame Romney who had no power to control the future of the U.S. in the last 4 years, so quit scape-goating him for all problems. He is only trying to clean Obama's mess up & help the U.S., but you unAmerican people can't be reason with at all. Supporting Obama is like supporting another Civil War between two political parties... I thought Super Heroes were against war not promoted it like a Cold War? FAIL BLOG... Vote FOR A REAL SUPERHERO = MITT ROMNEY 2012 and save the United States' economy instead of Obama's job!!!

  2. One of Romney's plans is to empower business owners by not over taxing them like Obama wants to big time. Us Republicans believe people have the right to become rich/wealthy if you work hard in life without having Barack Obama take your money for his redistribution of wealth. Obama believes the solution for the un-employed, which are mostly men right now, is to become government dependent on un-employment benefits, Social Security, and welfare. Romney believes we need rich people to give jobs to others which has always worked historically like he has mentions many times(e.g. new company owners, organizations, and business CEOs need to keep hiring employees). Plus, U.S. drilling is a good thing unless you want to depend on foreign oil which sells us each barrel for a like $100 each right now; therefore, you pay more at the pumps. Think of your financial security as U.S. citizens not Obama's... You voted for him to prove you are not racist, now vote for Romney to prove you are not stupid... Oh yeah, and stop listening to the bias media, since they are all on Obama's side (except Fox News)...
