And now, for the first time, the superheroes shall comment on the election, and give a point for Obama, Romney or Undecided.
"Rules and Regulations exist for a reason. Give a bad guy an opening, an opportunity, and he'll take it as for everything he can. And I think the actions by certain individuals recently prove that there's always somebody willing to take everything he can."
Point for: Obama
"I was born during the Great Depression, and I remember how we got out of it. Hard work from everyone, and Roosevelt's New Deal: Relief for the unemployed and poor; Recovery of the economy to normal levels; and Reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression. That's what we need again, and it sounds like that's what Obama wants to deliver."
Point for: Obama
"I can't believe Romney would do all that to the people of Massachusetts and think doing the same thing to all of America would help! What psycho-nutjob supervillain does that?"
Point for: Obama
"Obama is pulling this country around, and Romney wants to reset everything to 2008? No thank you!"
Point for: Obama
"Don't ever expect somebody else to save the world for you. If you see something evil jump out in front of your team and eat somebody, you beat that evil down 'till it spits your friend out. I respect Obama for jumping in there and doing the hard work to beat down on something as big as this."
Point for: Obama
"There's no conspiracy here about who Romney's looking out for. He's almost tripping over himself about how much he wants to help corporations."
Point for: Obama
"My father once told me there's no way to get a good story, to do a good job, without embedding yourself in the dirt. It doesn't sound like Romney's willing to do that, while Obama already has."
Point for: Obama
"Man, all this stuff is over my head. And considering how high my head can go, that's saying something!"
Point for: Undecided
"Mitt Romney's desire to drastically reduce social programs is worrying, and as someone who uses some programs and helps people who rely on others, I just can't stand for it."
Point for: Obama
"I ain't incline to trust a man who says we have to move backwards, not forwards."
Point for: Obama
Mr. Incredible
"Mr. Romney, are you saying we shouldn't help people? We're suppose to help people! Don't you believe in things like Help thy Neighbor?"
Point for: Obama
"A major part of Mormon faith is helping the less fortunate. Cutting back on government programs goes against this teaching."
Point for: Obama
"A person must be prepared to live with the consequences of their actions. From Romney's actions is Massachusetts, I don't think he really does."
Point for: Obama
"No matter what happens, you should stick with the people that will stick with you. That's why I'm sticking with Obama, cause he's sticking with the people."
Point for: Obama
Linda Park-West
"As a reporter I have to remain impartial, but as a voter I'm concerned that Romney just wants to make it easier businesses to do whatever they want.""Mr. Romney, are you saying we shouldn't help people? We're suppose to help people! Don't you believe in things like Help thy Neighbor?"
Point for: Obama
"A major part of Mormon faith is helping the less fortunate. Cutting back on government programs goes against this teaching."
Point for: Obama
"A person must be prepared to live with the consequences of their actions. From Romney's actions is Massachusetts, I don't think he really does."
Point for: Obama
"No matter what happens, you should stick with the people that will stick with you. That's why I'm sticking with Obama, cause he's sticking with the people."
Point for: Obama
Linda Park-West
Point for: Obama
The Savage Dragon
"President Obama has been doing good work ever since he was elected to the Illinois Senate, so whatever he says we have to do to fix the economy, I'll help him however I can."
Point for: Obama
"Sometimes doing the right thing means doing the hard thing. Romney just sounds like he wants to do the easy thing."
Point for: Obama
"People are in trouble right now. We've got to help them anyway we can. Obama's got a plan for that. Romney, not so much."
Point for: Obama.
"This ain't the time to be walking away from commitments. Brother has to support Brother, now more than ever."
Point for: Obama
"Walking away from the problems, saying you'll leave it to others to solve for themselves isn't leadership. It's running away. I can't support a man who says he would won't support others."
Point for: Obama
Issue | Obama/Biden | Undecided | Romney/Ryan |
Well, it looks like most of the heroes are in favor of Obama's economic plan. Does everyone agree with that? If you think any of the heroes have been misrepresented, let me know in the comments!
So join us next Monday, when I try to answer the question, are Superheroes Socialists?
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