And now, the superheroes shall comment on the candidates' equal rights and women's health platforms, and give a point for Obama, Romney or Undecided. Once again, some of these statements are direct or expanded quotes. Try to figure out which ones in the comments!
"I pay $17 million in taxes but I make over $100 million a year. Paying more to improve America's infrastructure and reduce crime is a good thing in my books."
Point for: Obama
"America wasn't built on nothing. It was built with the money people paid in taxes, and used to make this land great. Romeny's plan to cut taxes and slash funding isn't what America needs in this tough time. What we need is a government that's there for all of its people, not just the people that voted for it."
Point for: Obama
"Romney's clear preference for the upper-class over everybody else is losing him a lot of votes, including mine."
Point for: Obama
"Obama isn't increasing the tax burden on the average America, he's increasing the tax burden on rich Americans like you Mister Romney"
Point for: Obama
"You can't be afraid to spend money on things that'll help make the world a better place. Obama thinks that means people, while Romney thinks it means rich people. I think Obama has the right idea."
Point for: Obama
"Romney keeps talking about maintain fairness, but his idea of fairness seems to favor the rich that have been giving him donations."
Point for: Obama
"Romney's desire to keep loopholes that favor the rich open show exactly who he cares about, which isn't the average American."
Point for: Obama
"Can't we just put everything on plastic?"
Point for: Undecided
"As someone with a fixed income, I can't support Mitt Romney's plans to favor the rich over everyone else."
Point for: Obama
"People may not like them, but taxes are necessary to pay for things like defense and education. If your owning people, cutting taxes whiles saying you'll pay everyone back just ain't going to work Mr. Romney."
Point for: Obama
Mr. Incredible
"Of course Obamacare is being disruptive, because your making it disruptive by trying to deny and malign its integration into America's future!"
Point for: Obama
"Given the LDS Church's practice of diving excess money between savings and investments in the community, I can't imagine where Romney got his fiscal ideas from."
Point for: Obama
"The only reason Obama hasn't been able to make any new tax regulations permanent is because the Republicans keep acting like children and blocking anything they don't like from happening."
Point for: Obama
"Sometimes you have to be the one to support others if you want thinks to get better. Obama's efforts to support every American equally are the right action."
Point for: Obama
Linda Park-West
"Romney's idea that tax rates were fine under Bush shows just how little he understands how taxes affect the American people.""Of course Obamacare is being disruptive, because your making it disruptive by trying to deny and malign its integration into America's future!"
Point for: Obama
"Given the LDS Church's practice of diving excess money between savings and investments in the community, I can't imagine where Romney got his fiscal ideas from."
Point for: Obama
"The only reason Obama hasn't been able to make any new tax regulations permanent is because the Republicans keep acting like children and blocking anything they don't like from happening."
Point for: Obama
"Sometimes you have to be the one to support others if you want thinks to get better. Obama's efforts to support every American equally are the right action."
Point for: Obama
Linda Park-West
Point for: Obama
The Savage Dragon
"These days a few thousand dollars can make or break a family, and the families that break often resort to less desirable sources to make ends meet. Obama's been saving these people money, but Romney wants to cost them even more."
Point for: Obama
"I think when Obama says 'balanced approach', he means balance the budget, which would require cutting costs but raising taxes, and since he wants to raise it primarily on the rich, I'm just fine with that."
Point for: Obama
"You can't spend millions of dollars if you don't have something of substance to back it up, otherwise you're just going to bomb. Romney's continued lack of details on his plan to reduce the deficit show he hasn't though this through."
Point for: Obama
"I'm not voting for someone who thinks the poor are just looking for hand outs and not a leg up."
Point for: Obama
"As someone who's used loopholes to evade taxes, I'm not comfortable with the practices continuing like Romney wants."
Point for: Obama
Issue | Obama/Biden | Undecided | Romney/Ryan |
Given superheroes' preference for protecting the average American, it's not much of a surprise that so many sided with Obama on this one. Do any of you agree with the superheroes' comments? If you think any of the heroes have been misrepresented, let me know in the comments!
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