Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Obama, Romney, and the questions

For this week's issue, which will also be the last issue examined in this election, we'll look at candidates' to the Question. For those of you not familiar with the Science Debate Questions, they are a series of scientifically focuses questions selected from thousands of question submitted by scientist, engineers and concerned citizens that they felt were the most important science questions facing the United States the the candidates for president should be talking about on the campaign trail, and was refined into the final list of what are considered the most important science policy question for 2012 with the help of leading scientific and engineering organizations in the United States.
As Science Debate says on their website:

Candidates readily debate jobs and the economy even though they are not economists; they debate foreign policy and military intervention even though they are not diplomats or generals; they debate faith and values even though they are not priests or pastors. We call on the candidates for President to also debate these Top American Science Questions that affect all voters' lives.

Both the questions and the candidates' answers can be found here. I'm not going reproduce them here since they are fairly well arranged on Science Debate's website.

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