Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Presidential Platforms

With the United States Presidential Election now less than a week away, this week we'll be summarizing the candidates platforms. Once again, all information and videos are taken directly from the candidates' websites, either in part or in whole, unless otherwise noted, with minimal alteration to clarify and streamline information.

Barack Obama
Summarized from Obama's Website
  • On the Economy, President Obama wants to:
    • Repeal the Bush tax cuts for households earning more than $250,000
    • Lower taxes on the manufacturing industry
    • Eliminate tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas
    • Increase stimulus spending and tax cuts to grow the economy in the short term
    • Cut spending and raise taxes on the wealthy to reduce the deficit to help the economy in the long term, which includes the creation of the Buffett Rule, which would tax individuals with incomes more than $1 million by a minimum of 3%, regardless of the source of the income.
    • Maintain and possible increase stimulus spending and programs as needed
    • Increase government regulation on the banking industry after all the deregulation by the Bush administration allowed Wall Street to cause the 2008 financial crisis.
    • Increase prosecution on mortgage fraudsters and require full mortgage disclosure to make it harder for fraudsters to "steal" mortgages.
    • Keep Social Security from privatization which would make it vulnerable to stock market fluctuation.
  • On the Environment and Energy, President Obama: 
    • Supports the creation of a mandatory cap-and-trade system to reduce carbon emissions
    • Created national standards for other toxic emissions 
    • Has moved energy subsides from oil and coal to wind and solar
    • Has continued to withhold approval on the northern leg of the Keystone XL oil pipeline over environmental concerns and the company's spotty record on preventing, containing and clearing up oil spills.
    • Has forced BP to create a $20 billion spill response fund in addition to the clean up costs for the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, set a moratorium on permits for new offshore oil wells and stopped the granting of environmental waivers to oil companies
  • On Healthcare, President Obama:
    • Signed the 2010 healthcare overhaul bill, aka Obamacare, which calls for 
      • patient protections like allowing coverage for pre-existing conditions
      • not letting insurers cancel policies when patients get sick
      • requiring individuals to buy health insurance or pay a fine
    • Has been very openly critical of the Romney/Ryan plan to turn Medicare into a voucher system and significantly reduce its funding
    • Wants to increase the number of people covered by Medicaid 
  • On Education, President Obama:
    • Reformed the No Child Left Behind law to better help students
    • Created the Race to the Top program that has distributed billions of dollars to states that have begun to modernize their education systems
    • Created a $10,000 college tax credit and increased Pell grants and other financial aid with a focus on turning community colleges into community career centers
  • On Equal Rights, President Obama:
    • Is the first US President to support same-sex marriage
    • Pushed Congress into repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell and officially allowing gays to openly serve in the military
    • Supports Roe v. Wade and criticized the Supreme Court decision that upheld the ban on partial-birth abortions
  • On National Security, President Obama:
    • Opposed the Iraq from the beginning and opposed further troop increases. When he was elected he ended the Iraq war on a more realistic timeline that the one the Bush administration had left
    • Has seen significant gains in the Afghanistan war since taking office, including killing Osama bin Laden while he was being sheltered in Pakistan. 
    • Has repeatedly called for using diplomacy and economic sanctions over military action with hostile nations like Iran, despite being rebuffed by those nation
  • On Immigration, President Obama:
    • Supports the creation of a path to legalization for illegal immigrants that includes learning English and paying fines
    • Tougher penalties for hiring illegal immigrants
    • Voted for the creation of a fence along the Mexican border
    • Issued an executive order to not deport immigrants who had been brought to the US when they were under 16, are under 30, finished high school and have no criminal record
Mitt Romney
Summarized from Romney's Website
  • On the Economy, Mitt Romney wants to: 
    • make the entirety of the Bush tax cuts permanent
    • cut taxes and regulations on businesses to encourage growth 
    • cut non-security discretionary government spending by 5% to reduce deficit
    • For individuals: 
      • cutting marginal tax rates 20% across-the-board
      • eliminate the estate/inheritance tax
      • eliminate taxes on interest
      • dividends and capital gains for individuals with incomes below $200,000
      • repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)
    • For corporations:
      • Romney has proposed cutting the corporate rate from 35% to 25%
      • make the R&D tax credit permanent
      • repeal corporate AMT 
      • move to a territorial tax system where US companies will not have to pay US taxes on income earned overseas even when repatriated. 
    • In order to pay for all these tax cuts, Romney has proposed eliminating all stimulus spending, certain tax deductions, such as mortgage interest deductions for second homes, state income and state property tax deductions, and has also stated there would be severe cuts to the Department of Education and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
    • Remove most regulation on all businesses in an effort to facilitate growth.
    • Let foreclosures happen, with the belief that enough of them will make the market "reboot"
    • Privatize Social Security to let it try to reap the benefits of the stock market.
  • On the Environment and Energy, Mitt Romney:
    • Opposes any carbon emissions reduction legislation saying it would stifle business and make country that don't have any environmental regulations like China more attractive and would leave states to create their own emissions standards
    • Supports the Keystone XL pipeline and would fast track it's construction by minimizing government oversight
    • Would maintain the $4 billion in subsidies for oil and gas companies
    • Has stated that he agrees that humans contribute to global warming and wants to put together a group to investigate how much this has impacted the Earth and what might be done to remedy the problem.
    • Would create a $20 billion package for energy research and new car technology with a focus on replacing green jobs with "American competitiveness"
    • Would increase the number of oil platforms and re-introduce environmental waivers for oil companies
    • Would give states the power to determine whether drilling or mining should occur on federal land within them
    • Has close ties to the oil and gas sectors, having accepted millions of dollars in campaign donations from them.
  • On Healthcare, Mitt Romney:
    • Created a similar healthcare program to Obama's for Massachusetts, but has since denounced the system as "not something Americans want" and would repeal Obamacare as soon as he able with an executive order despite the $250 billion that would cost
    • Wants to allow insurance companies greater freedoms like removing the limited number of insurance companies each state can have in the hopes a more diverse market will make things better for consumers. 
    • Wants to reduce Medicare funding and turn it into a voucher based system to allow private businesses to offer health insurance and select their own clients.
    • Wants to greatly reduce Medicaid coverage and the number of people covered, as well as hand over majority of control to the states
  • On Education, Mitt Romney:
    • Has generally agreed with Obama's policies
    • Wants to reduce federal government involvement and significantly cut the Department of Education
    • Believes that federal student aid encourages tuition to increase
    • Wants to privatize the federal student loan program
  • On Equal Rights, Mitt Romney: 
    • Opposes same-sex marriage and wants to federally outlaw gay marriage
    • Supported Don't Ask, Don't Tell and was not in favor of the repeal 
    • Opposes Roe v. Wade and would attempt to overturn it if elected
    • Believes states should be allowed to ban abortions, even in cases of rape per the official Republican platform
    • Would ban in vitro fertilization and other fertility treatments
    • Would shut down Planned Parenthood and other women's health support facilities
  • On National Security, Mitt Romney:
    • would call for an increase in American's military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan
    • Tightening economic sanctions even further than Obama on hostile nations
    • Would not rule out using preemptive military force on these countries and violating the Geneva Convention when detaining terrorists.
  • On Immigration, Mitt Romney:
    • Would make English the official language of the US 
    • Would "turn off the magnets like tuition breaks or other breaks that draw people into this country illegally"
    • Wants to force immigrants to "self-deport" by making it impossible for them to find work and comfortable living conditions.
    • Is in favor of promoting legal immigration, allowing more high-skilled immigrants into the country and make migrant visas easier to obtain.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Joss Whedon "endorses" Romney, xkcd's Balance of Congress and a superheroes' call to vote

Joss Whedon, writer/director for The Avengers and The Avengers 2 and overseeing the spin-off TV show S.H.E.I.L.D., in addition to numerous other genre projects, has released a video in which he "endorses" Mitt Romney for some... interesting reasons.
 xkcd has a new comic examining the balance of the United States Congress going all the way back to the beginning, and has several interesting tidbits with in. The enlarger version can be read here.

And finally we have a superhero's call to vote. The much longer full comic can be read here.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Superhero 411: Captain America

Today we're featuring one of the superheroes on the American Superhero Team and delve deeper into their history. In this article, we'll be looking at probably the most patriotic superhero on the list, Captain America. Warning! Some Spoilers Ahead!
Real name: Steve Rogers
First Appearance: Captain America Comics #1 (1941,
Timely Comics)
Creator: Joe Simon (Writer) and Jack Kirby (Artist)
Occupation: Soldier
Operates in: All over the place

Born in 1922, Steve Rogers grew up a frail youth in a poor family. His father died when he was a young child, and his mother when he was in his late teens. During the onset of World War II, Rogers was horrified by newsreel footage of the Nazis in Europe and attempted to enlist in the Army but was rejected because of his scrawny physique. Undaunted, he earnestly pleaded to be accepted so he could help and was overheard by US Army General Chester Phillips, who offered Rogers the opportunity to take part in the secret Special Operation Rebirth. Rogers agreed and was taken to a secret laboratory and introduced to Professor Reinstein, the creator of the Super-Soldier formula. After weeks of tests, Rogers was given the serum and a special treatment to accelerate and stabilize the serum's effects. Rogers body quickly developed into a perfection of human physique, but a Nazi spy who had infiltrated the experiment murders Reinstein after the success so that the United States can not reproduce the experiment as Reinstein had not written down the full formula for fear the Nazi would steal it. Rogers was then put through intense physical and tactical training before being given his first assignment, to stop the Nazi agent calling himself the Red Skull, and given the patriotic uniform and codename Captain America. Fighting valiantly during the war, as the Allied forces were closing in on Berlin and the last of the Nazi forces, a desperate Nazi official launched a bomb-loaded plane that would head straight for American soil. Captain America jumped onto the plane as it took off and managed to bring it down in the Arctic Ocean, where his Super-Soldier formula allowed him to enter a state of suspended animation as he was frozen in solid ice. Decades later he was rescued by the newly formed Avengers and became a cornerstone of the team, often acting as team leader, and continues to act as a symbol of liberty and justice.

Captain America was conceived with a rough sketch of the character in costume in 1940 by Joe Simon (a copy of which is seen to the right), first under the name Super America before being changed to Captain America, and was quickly given his own solo comic, which Simon would write and Jack Kirby would draw will adding his own ideas to story. Captain America soon became the most popular character of Marvel Comics, then called Timely Comics, during World War II, with the first issue selling nearly a million copies. Given the comic's decisive attitude to America entering the war a full year before the Pearl Harbor Attack would see America join the Allies and a strong isolationist front in America at the time, Simon and Kirby received regular hate mail and death threats, so much so that they had to be given police protection. However the character was so popular he became the company's first property to be adapted into another medium with the release of the 1944 movie serial Captain America, but his popularity waned after the war ended and disappeared in the 1950s after an ill-fated revival attempt in 1953. However a reintroducing during the Silver Age of comics, where he was revealed to have fallen into and be revived from suspended animation in The Avengers #4 (1964). Captain America has had a solid presence since, with his most recent adaptations being part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Captain America: The First Avenger, released on July 22, 2011, and The Avengers, released on May 4, 2012.

Sunday, October 28, 2012's Learning from Superheroes has an interesting article about how superheroes, and specifically superhero movies, can be used to help teach kids about history and philosophy. The full article can be read here.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Superman and Changing Politics

“Good for you, Lois!” – Siegel and Shuster “Superman” (1938; reprint 1988) Action Comics #1 (New York: DC Comics, 8, 1-3) has an interesting article on how changing politics has changed Superman since his creation, especially how his original motto was "Champion of the Oppressed" and not "Truth, Justice and the American Way", and how that affected of all things, gender politics. The full article can be read here.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Superheroes and the Science Debate

And now, for the last time before next week's summary, the superheroes shall comment on the candidates, this time on their answers to the questions (which if you can read here if you missed them), and give a point for Obama, Romney or Undecided. Once again, some of these statements are direct or expanded quotes. Try to figure out which ones in the comments!

"All men by nature seek knowledge. It's how that knowledge is used that's important, and it looks like Obama is the only one who desires to actually use it to improve America."
Point for: Obama

"We can't advance with out a commitment to science. I couldn't have done what I did without it. Romney doesn't seem care all that much for it, so I can't say I care all that much for him."
Point for: Obama

"The fact that Obama can bring up actual numbers and policies when talking about food safety is great, while Romney's generalized "we'll work closer with the industry to make America's food system the world's best" just comes off as hot air. It didn't sound at all like Romney knew that 1 in 4 Americans were getting sick from food born illnesses."
Point for: Obama

"When asked about how to improve education in America, Obama talks about how he's invested in programs to create more educated and better skilled teachers, while Romney attacks teacher's unions, says parents need more choice in schools, and that the good should be rewarded, but nothing about improving what's broken, which makes it clear what's really broken with the system."

Point for: Obama

"Just because you don't know about something doesn't mean it doesn't affect you, and trying to ignore it will only make it worse. You gotta understand the problem and how to fight it, or you won't beat. And seeing how Romney wants to keep trying to ignore climate change, I don't think he has a chance at beating it."
Point for: Obama

"Romney keeps saying he wants to make things easier for businesses or delegating things to the states, like he doesn't want to understand how or why these things works."
Point for: Obama

"If Romney thinks Net Neutrality is designed to prevent freedom on the internet, he obviously has no idea what Net Neutrality does and what it's designed to prevent."
Point for: Obama

"Don't people know that science is how we get superheroes? Except for the ones that become supervillians. Okay, maybe I don't understand this one."
Point for: Undecided

"Romney's attempt to criticize Obama for the diversity of his federal technology investments is odd. Didn't he learn not to put all his eggs in one basket through all his business experience?"
Point for: Obama

"Knowledge is important to lead and plan. Given that Romney keeps switching his position, I don't think he has enough of it to do either."
Point for: Obama
Mr. Incredible
"Romney seems to think the speed at which natural resources can be extracted is more important than the safety and effect the extraction has, in addition to not understanding that a limited resource is finite, and that a renewable resource is, well, renewable."
Point for: Obama

"A proper understanding of how everything works is important, and shouldn't be dismayed in favor of something that people who believed the Sun revolved around the Earth wrote, as Romney seems to want."
Point for: Obama

"If Romney thinks that green energy is run by "political cronies", I don't think he's met any one in the oil business."
 Point for: Obama

"Romney says that water and air laws haven't been modernized in twenty years and how they're too expensive for businesses, while Obama brings up all the reforms and investments he's done lately to air and water programs. That doesn't make this choice hard."
Point for: Obama

Linda Park-West
"Romney's belief that there is a "lack of scientific consensus" on global warming shows just how uninformed he is and that he thinks that policy should not be dictated by evidence of the reality shows just how little he cares about science and the reality of the situation. And then to turn around and say how important sound science is to the process and that he'll avoid the manipulation of science for political gain when he keeps doing just that A SENTENCE LATER at the same time as accusing Obama of doing the same thing, it's just infuriating watch Romney be so hypocritical and think he can get away with it."
Point for: Obama

The Savage Dragon
"Living in Chicago, I've seen first hand the effects of Obama's Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and the improve its been for the area."

Point for: Obama

"Romney's belief that what ever he does is innovative, and the fact that he changes stance within the same paragraph in his answers, convinces me that Romney is saying whatever he thinks sounds good."
Point for: Obama

"Romney, you don't invest more in space by re-organizing NASA, you invest in space by investing in NASA. It's literally rocket science Romney, and that's not cheap."
Point for: Obama.

"Romney talks about making more vaccinations. Obama talks about making vaccinations more affordable. Doesn't take much to figure out which plan will result in less sick people."
Point for: Obama

"Scientists have the most extraordinary inventive minds, and we are lucky to be able to call on them. The world is changing, things that used to be science fiction are now science fact, and it's all thanks to them. Romney doesn't seem all that interested in listen to them, and for that he will miss so many wonders,"
Point for: Obama


Issue Obama/Biden Undecided Romney/Ryan
Energy & Environment
Equal Rights and Women's Health
Taxes and Budgets
National Security
Science Debate Questions

And so Obama takes the last round with his clear message and actual numbers.

At any rate, do any of you agree with the superheroes' comments? If you think any of the heroes have been misrepresented, let me know in the comments!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

How Various Election Systems Work

Today we have some videos explaining how election systems work, including the United States' complicated Electoral College system, as explained by C. G. P. Grey and some videos on how the American Political system works by Epipheo. Check out both of their YouTube channels for more informative videos.

How the United States Primary and Electoral College Works

How First Past the Post Voting Does and Doesn't Work

How Alternative Votes Works

How Gerrymandering Works

How Mixed Member Proportional Representation Works

How Much Does the President Really Get?

Is America Really a Democracy?

How Oil Prices Affects the Economy

Obamacare Explained

How to talk Politics Without Fighting

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Obama, Romney, and the questions

For this week's issue, which will also be the last issue examined in this election, we'll look at candidates' to the Question. For those of you not familiar with the Science Debate Questions, they are a series of scientifically focuses questions selected from thousands of question submitted by scientist, engineers and concerned citizens that they felt were the most important science questions facing the United States the the candidates for president should be talking about on the campaign trail, and was refined into the final list of what are considered the most important science policy question for 2012 with the help of leading scientific and engineering organizations in the United States.
As Science Debate says on their website:

Candidates readily debate jobs and the economy even though they are not economists; they debate foreign policy and military intervention even though they are not diplomats or generals; they debate faith and values even though they are not priests or pastors. We call on the candidates for President to also debate these Top American Science Questions that affect all voters' lives.

Both the questions and the candidates' answers can be found here. I'm not going reproduce them here since they are fairly well arranged on Science Debate's website.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012's Superhero Lists

Today we've got a round up of some of's Superhero lists, such as 6 Hilarious Attempts at Brainwashing Kids with Comic Books, which  include a comic created jointly by FoxNews and conservative comic publisher AAC Studios where democrats were elected in 2000, which obviously creates a distopian future, so a cyborg Fox News Anchor Sean Hannity and super-buff Watergate Burglaries Organizer G Gordon Liddy team up and go cop killing, and The 6 Most Unintentionally Hilarious Superhero Reinventions, which includes the time Captain America renounces America and starts going by the name Nomad.
The other lists that focus on or include superheroes are:

Monday, October 22, 2012

Superhero 411: Plastic Man

Today we're featuring one of the superheroes on the American Superhero Team and delve deeper into their history. In this article, we'll be looking at one of the most flexible superheroes out there (sorry, couldn't resist), Plastic Man. Warning! Some Spoilers Ahead!

Real name: Patrick "Eel" O'Brian
First Appearance: Police Comics #1 (1941, Quality Comics)

Creator: Jack Cole (Writer/Artist)
Occupation: Former Crook/Safe cracker
Christian (d.u.)
Operates in: Capital City
When Patrick "Eel" O'Brian was 10, he was orphaned and forced to live on the streets. He eventually fell in with career criminals in order to survive, and became part of a burglary ring specializing in safe cracking. During one late-night heist at a chemical plant, he and his gang members were surprised by a night watchman. During the ensuing escape, Eel was shot in the shoulder, accidentally doused with an unidentified chemical liquid, and left behind by the rest of the gang who had driven off without him. Fleeing on foot and suffering rapidly increasing disorientation due to the gunshot wound and chemical exposure, eel eventually passed out in the foothills just outside the city. When he awoke he found himself in bed in a mountain monestary, being tended to by the monk who had discovered him unconscious in the forest. The monk had sense the capacity for great good in O'Brian, and when the police who had followed O'Brian's trail to the area came to the monastery to inquire about O'Brian, the monk turned them away. O'Brian was deeply moved by this act of faith and kindness, and further fueled O'Brian's long dissatisfaction with the criminal life and ignites his desire to reform. As O'Brian recovers at the monastery he discovers that his body has become like super-malleable rubber, allowing him to stretch, bounce, and mold himself as he desires, and so he uses his new found powers to fight for law and order. Using a rubber suit, goggles and remolding his face to conceal his identity, he maintained his criminal connections as a means of gathering information on criminal activities. As time went on, Plastic Man was inducted into the Capital City Police Force, and then later the FBI, and eventually abandoned his Eel O'Brian identity.
Plastic Man was originally owned and published by Quality Comics, but Quality Comics was shut down in 1956 and its properties, including Plastic Man, were acquired by DC Comics. After the DC crossover event Crisis on Infinite Earths, which reboot the DC universe, a new origin for Plastic Man was written, one were after O'Brian was abandoned by his gang after the heist gone wrong, he wandered the street as his new powers developed, Eel oblivious to the changes, frightening civilians and bringing the police and National Guard in to deal with the "monster". When he realizes what is going on, he uses his powers to escape his pursuers but becomes depressed over his new condition that he attempts suicide by jumping off a bridge, but is interrupted by Woozy Winks, who helps Eel realize he could capitalize on his new powers to make them rich, and unable to decide if crime or crime-fighting would be more profitable, they flip a coin and end up fighting crime, so they set up a detective agency in New York City.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The cost of Wayne Manor

In anticipation of the summer's release of The Dark Knight Rises, realty website Movoto created a listing for Wayne Manor. The final price? $32.1 million, and that doesn't include the Bat Cave, but did use associated material, including floor plans to the manor from a 1990s DC role-playing game. The full listing can be found here.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

io9's 8 Weirdest Real Science Fiction Political Ads

The 8 Weirdest Real-Life Science Fiction Political Ads

io9 has a list of the 8 weirdest, real life science fiction political ads, and some of them are truly bizarre. You can read the full list here.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Superheroes and Housing

And now, the superheroes shall comment on the candidates' housing platforms, and give a point for Obama, Romney or Undecided. Once again, some of these statements are direct or expanded quotes. Try to figure out which ones in the comments!

"It's when buildings get abandoned and dilapidated that the criminal move in. Obama's efforts to get this kinds of buildings repaired and productive are exactly what's needed to keep the criminals from developing foot holds."
Point for: Obama

"Obama's plans to help the people who've acted responsibly with their housing is noble. Romney doesn't seem to have any plans to help those people, so I don't have any plans to help him."
Point for: Obama

"Romney's plan sounds a lot like Obama's, but that wasn't Romney's first plan, and I wonder if Romney really means it."
Point for: Obama

"I don't think Romney understands that all the new housing rules and regulations are being put in place to prevent this sort of thing from happening again."
Point for: Obama

"Everybody needs a place to call home. Obama's been trying to help that along, and he's been doing a good enough job as far as I can tell to let him keep doing it."
Point for: Obama

"Romney's desire to let the private holders take control of the housing market is troubling, since there would be nothing to prevent them from doing what they did before that caused the problem in the first place."
Point for: Obama

"Romney says that Obama hasn't been helping the economy, but Obama has pulled us up out of the nose dive Bush sent us into, and he can only keep pulling us up if we stick with him."
Point for: Obama

"Every child needs a roof over their head. As someone who grew up with out one, I can tell you how much of a difference it makes. Obama's already save millions of homes and millions of children. I want to help him save more."
Point for: Obama

"Where you live affects how you live, and President Obama's plan to make it easier for more people to live in better houses is what we need."
Point for: Obama

"It ain't right for other people to go taking what you worked so hard to build, especially if it's your home, so we need to work together to protect them, not just stand by and let them."
Point for: Obama
Mr. Incredible
"A good home help makes a good family. Romney doesn't seem to get that."
Point for: Obama

"Everyone is deserving of a loving home. Given that Romney was willing to allow homes to be foreclosed upon at one point, and might do so again, I can't in good faith support him."
Point for: Obama

"Romney seems to quite conveniently forget that he's been part of the Republican block that stood in direct opposition of anything the Obama administration has proposed, and the reason Obama's had to split up his housing programs so that some progress could be made."
Point for: Obama

"I can't say I can really tell the difference between the two's plans."
Point for: Undecided

Linda Park-West
"It's good that Romney recognizes that the housing crisis was a predictable disaster, now if only he'd recognize that it was Republicans that ignored the predictions."
Point for: Obama

The Savage Dragon
"Obama's been doing a good job so far, we just need to get those Republicans to stop blocking things from going forward."
Point for: Obama

"Listening to Romney's plans, it sounds like he just wants to dump the foreclosed houses on to the market as quickly as possible, and I don't think a quick and easy approach will work.
Point for: Obama

"Protecting people from losing their homes is what we do, even if it's usually from a supervillian, so if the best way I can help is to help Obama keep doing what he's doing, than that's what I'm going to do."
Point for: Obama.

"Romney seems to want to set things back to the way they were under Bush. I don't see any good coming from that."
Point for: Obama

"Letting houses be unjustly foreclosed like Romney wants just forces people into poor living conditions like slums, and slums create criminals, so having good living conditions is essential to the safety of the citizens."
Point for: Obama


Issue Obama/Biden Undecided Romney/Ryan
Energy & Environment
Equal Rights and Women's Health
Taxes and Budgets
National Security

And so Obama takes what is actually the second last round before the final count, which will be right before the election, which is less than 3 weeks away!

At any rate, do any of you agree with the superheroes' comments? If you think any of the heroes have been misrepresented, let me know in the comments!