Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Surprising Politics of Superhero Movies

TotalFilm.com has compiled a list of 30 superhero films and the politics involved there in, ranging from Superman's "Truth, Justice and The American Way" and the X-Men's civil rights analogies to some of the more out there theories involving Unbreakable and the Spider-Man's movies. The whole list can be read here.

Friday, May 3, 2013

E-mail now Open

Hey Everyone,
I haven't had much time recently to navigate the internet looking for interesting articles or write up my own, so to hopefully help alleviate that I've setup an e-mail for the blog, SuperPoliticsSuggestions (at) gmail.com, where you can send me links to article you think I should feature and the like. You can also use the box I've set up on the side of the page. Hopefully this will help keep things flowing while I'm busy.
Thanks, Super Politics